Thursday, April 13, 2006

Early to Bed, Early to Work

Between office work and yard work, I haven't had much time to post. There is a laundry list of crap I want to 'blog about, but I just haven't had time.

I'm at my office at 7 AM for Pete's sake! I normally wake up at 7 AM on a weekday. Why? The Texas Legislature will begin another special legislative session on Monday to address state tax issues, which doesn't directly affect my job. However, the members will usually conduct other House/Senate committee business while they're in Austin. And that's when my job gets busier. I'm working on a pretty important project this week in preparation for a presentation before a newly-created joint legislative committee next week.

I'm not complaining. This is what I signed up for when I took this job. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, I enjoy the added pressure and the challenge. I've always worked best under pressure. My brain kicks into overdrive when there is a perceived sense of urgency. I think more critically and creatively. The bad part is that I sometimes have trouble relaxing when I leave work. My brain doesn't know when to drop down into standby mode during these busy times. It actually takes deep concentration to get it down to cruising speed. It's like I'm talking my brain down from a ledge.

Anyway . . . Why the hell am I writing? I need to get to work!


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